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FEMINISMUS:CZ Gender Studies, o.p.s.
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The WomenAction site focused specifically on the work of NGOs, as well as UN and other `official` agencies, around Women and Media, focussing on the Review of the `J` Chapter of the BPFA - Women And Media.
[ 30.6.2000,  Média > Média ]
Priority a postupy vlády při prosazování rovnosti mužů a žen schválené usnesením vlády dne 8. dubna 1998 a aktualizované 7. června 2000. Usnesení se zabývá otázkami prosazování principu rovnosti mužů a žen včetně jeho právního zabezpečení, zajištění rovných pracovních příležitostí, vyrovnávání sociálního postavení žen a mužů pečujících o děti a potřebné členy rodiny, násilí na ženách...
The WOW-Conference was initiated and co-organized by the expert group “Women in the Information Society”, represented by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Winker and PD Dr. Christiane Funken. The conference is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the city of Hamburg and the Swedish government, which presides over the Council of the European Union in the first half of the year 2001. Speaker from the Czech Republic - Lenka Simerska.
[ 8.3.2000,  Média > Média ]
African women food farmers labor up to twice as long per week as their male counterparts, producing, processing, and transporting virtually all of Africa`s food; yet these primary producers own only 1% of the land. They receive less than 7% of farm extension services, and less than 10% of the
agricultural credit available for small farmers. více
Iran plans to improve the way women are portrayed in school books as part of adrive to encourage a more open attitude to the role of women in society.A government study has shown that young women in the conservative holy Iranian City of Qom are more depressed than those in the more liberal capital Tehran. více
V době, kdy z římsko-katolické církve odešel z důvodu její přílišné bigotnosti a vnitřní intolerance jeden z jejích nejvýraznějších teologů, bývalý dominikán Ivan Odilo Štampach, kdy se v rámci církve vedou vášnivé diskuse o (ne)možnosti interrupce a antikoncepce a kdy naše jediná parlamentní křesťanská strana blokuje s velice vulgární argumentací přijetí zákona o registrovaném partnerství, vydalo CDK knihu Georga Denzlera "Zakázaná slast - Dva tisíce let křesťanské sexuální morálky." více
The voice of women is largely absent from Central European cinema. The female directors that there are present a view of life which is decidedly rooted in male conceptions of gender and sexuality.
One interesting example of this phenomenon is Nic (Nothing, 1998), the latest film from Dorota Kedzierzawska, the rising star of the 1990s Polish film industry.
[ 27.9.1999,  Kultura > Kultura a umění ]
Women have not been immune to the polarisation of Hungarian society that has occurred since the collapse of Communism. The appearance of Cosmopolitan, with its energetic optimism and unapologetic materialism, gave women a new voice, new values, new role models to aspire to. But..
Some Western feminists, especially those who invested their efforts in attempting to assist Czech women, went away with largely unfulfilled expectations. The differences between the histories, cultures, social norms, expectations and daily realities in the lives of Western European and American women on one hand and Czech women on the other have served to clarify the misunderstanding.
[ 27.9.1999,  Historie ]
Co zapříčiňuje u jedince určitou sexuální orientaci?Mohou být gayové a lesbičky dobrými rodiči?Americká psychologická asociace zodpovídá otázky dotýkající se homesexuální orientace. více
[ 17.8.1999,  Feminismy > Feminismus ]
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