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3rd edition of the “Active Ageing Awards”

[ 24.7.2012, Hakim Kamouche, DIRECCTE Ile de France Rovné příležitosti > Trh práce ]

On 6th September 2010, the European Commission designated 2012 as the “European year for active ageing and intergenerational solidarity”. On that occasion, the Val d’Oise Territorial Unit of the DIRECCTE (Regional Directorate for Companies, Competition, Consumption, Work and Employment), which is piloting and leading a multiannual program running from 2007 to 2013, and designed to promote the employment of seniors – decided to give a new dimension to the “Active Ageing Awards”.

Promoting Initiatives

The “Active Ageing Awards” are awards intended to promote the public and private employers who work towards an intergenerational approach to human resources, paying a particular attention to actions which promote the retention and re-employment of senior workers.

Since 2009, when they were first launched, the “Active Ageing Awards” have encouraged a dozen initiatives which were set up within different French companies.

A transnational Cooperation

For their 3rd edition, the “Active Ageing Awards”, which are State-financed and funded by the European Social Fund, opened up to a network of European partners. The following institutions consequently joined the DIRECCTE: the University of Liège, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the Czech non-governmental organization Gender Studies, and the Polish Institute of Labour and Social Studies.

Methodology and criteria for selection – applicable to all the competing companies – have been defined throughout 2011 thanks to the contribution of French and European partners who are committed on a daily basis to the issues of diversity in employment.

Promoting Active Ageing on the European Scale

Operating within the framework of the “European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity,” the “Active Ageing Awards” partners are willing to shed particular light on the best practices and to encourage exchanges between member countries on the issue of senior employment.

The application form, as well as the “Active Ageing Awards” rules, can be downloaded at the following address: http://www.toutes-les-generations-en-entreprise.com.

Press Contact:


Project Manager for the Employment of Seniors DIRECCTE Ile de France - Val d'Oise Territorial Unit

Phone: +33 (0)

Fax: +33 (0)

Email: hakim.kamouche@direccte.gouv.fr

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