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SUMMER INSTITUTE Knowledge Networking and Capacity Building Program on Engendering Macroeconomics and International Economics

[ 15.6.2012, ]

We are pleased to announce the 2012 cycle of the Knowledge Networking and Capacity Development Program on gender, macroeconomics and international economics. This program aims to facilitate the integration of gender perspective into macroeconomic research and policy formulation. The purpose of the program is to continue to build upon and expand the knowledge network of economists working on gender, macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy formulation. Key activities of the 2012 program consist of a) an intensive Summer Institute to be held in Krakow between July 17th and 26th, and b) an international symposium to be held in Krakow on July 28 and 29th on “Economic Crisis in Europe: Towards Gender-Equitable Macroeconomic Policy-making and Economic Governance”. Up to thirty Fellows will be admitted to the program.

The program is for economists in academia, research institutions, government, civil society organizations and in international development institutions. Partial or full funding will be available for up to 20 fellows.

The Fellows of the program will be required, at a minimum, to have completed two years of study in an economics Ph.D. program and have passed their qualifying exams, or have its equivalent such as a master’s degree in economics. These requirements may be waived only under exceptional circumstances.

The program will be conducted in English.

Final selection criteria will include the objective of achieving gender balance and country balance in the composition of Fellows.

The current initiative expands upon and contributes to long-standing efforts undertaken by GEM-IWG, an international network of over 400 economists from over 70 countries.

GEM-IWG was formed in 1994 for the purpose of promoting research, teaching, policy making and advocacy on gender equitable approaches to macroeconomics, international economics and globalization. The Knowledge Networking Program was launched by GEM-IWG, in 2003.

The Program has two objectives: (a) to develop capacity in research, teaching, policy-making and advocacy in this area; (b) to increase knowledge networking by strengthening the links among practitioners working on gender, macroeconomics and international economics. (please see www.genderandmacro.org for details).

The list of instructors of the program is expected to potentially include, among others, the following in alphabetical order: Rania Antonopoulos (Levy Economics Institute, USA), Ragui Assaad ( Univesity of Minnesota, USA), Lourdes Beneria (University of Barcelona, Spain), Nilüfer Çağatay (University of Utah and Levy Economics Institute, USA), Valeria Esquivel (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina), Jayati Ghosh ( JNU, India ), Indira Hirway (Center for Development Alternatives, Ahmedabad, India), İpek İlkkaracan (İstanbul Technical University, Turkey); Özge İzdeş (Istanbul University, Turkey), Manuel Montes (South Centre, Switzerland), Dimitri Papadimitriou (Levy Economics Institute), Antonella Picchio (Modena University, Italy), Sanjay Reddy (New School University, USA), Ewa Ruminska-Zimny (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland), Gül Ünal (UNDP, Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, New York), Mariama Williams ( South Centre, Switzerland) and Anna Zachorowska (Jagiellonian University, Poland).

Applications must be received by June 18th, 2012, but they will be processed as they are received. Only completed applications will be reviewed. Those accepted to the program will be informed by June 25th, 2012. Please see further below for application requirements, the application process and the application form. More information: www.gem-europe.eu

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