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FEMINISMUS:CZ Gender Studies, o.p.s.
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Be among the first ‘Friends’ of the European Women’s Lobby and support women’s rights all over Europe!

[ 24.7.2012, Jana Smiggels Kavková, Czech Women's Lobby Feminismy > Feminismus ]

Do you believe that women’s rights are human rights and that it is high time equality between women and men was made a reality? You can do your part! By becoming a Friend of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), you invest in a brighter future of each and every girl and woman in Europe. Every day, the EWL is campaigning for a gender equal Europe. The regular financial support of the Friends of the EWL can ensure the existence of an independent voice for women’s rights in Europe.

As a Friend of the EWL, you will receive the EWL’s weekly newsletter and the exclusive ‘Friends’ letters’ with all the news about our work, our publications in electronic format and our “Feminist Friends Forever” badge. Your regular contribution is tax-deductible if you live in the TGE countries (click here).

The following are just two recent success stories of the EWL:

• After long years of lobbying, things are finally moving to improve the representation of women and men in economic decision-making: the European Commission considers introducing quotas to increase the representation of women in corporate boards from the current 13% of women.

• Almost every other woman in Europe will experience male violence during her lifetime. The EWL is more committed than ever to put the fight against all forms of male violence against women on the European political agenda. Hundreds of individuals, NGOs and European and national decision-makers have joined the EWL’s coalition for a European Year to end violence against women and for comprehensive EU action in this area.

Together we can achieve more!

More information: http://womenlobby.org/spip.php?rubrique248&lang=en

Visit the EWL website to find out more about our work: www.womenlobby.org

To become a Friend of the EWL, please go to the EWL website and fill in the electronic form.

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Zpravodaj Rovné příležitosti do firem

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Na Feminismu.cz můžete poslouchat pořad Hovory na bělidle ČRo 6! (ve formátu mp3)

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Místa přátelská rodině
Místa přátelská rodině

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genderových studií
FHS UK v Praze

Genderová studia FSS MU

Centrum Genderových studii FF UK

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