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Announcement of Results of the Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities 2011

[ 2.2.2012, Kristýna Ciprová, Gender Studies, o.p.s. Rovné příležitosti > Trh práce ]

COMPANY OF THE YEAR: EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES is an award launched in 2004 by Gender Studies. Its aim is to motivate companies to start perceiving equal opportunities of men and women as an important principle of their and their employees’ development and to start implementing these principles in their employment policies.

The results were announced at a conference called “Equal Pay” organized by Gender Studies on 28 November 2011 at the headquarters of the last year’s winner T-Mobile Czech Republic.

Competition Rules

The entrance questionnaire focuses on several areas, such as equal pay, work-life balance, equal treatment within the company, and marketing. Companies participating in the past usually show a certain degree of development since previous results. Once a company is awarded, it is excluded from the next year’s participation. Questionnaires are graded in two rounds. In the first round the evaluation team consists of representatives of Gender Studies who recommend companies for the next round. In the second round the questionnaires are evaluated by a five-member jury of independent experts.

This year’s jury members included: Hana Hašková, researcher from the Department of Gender and Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Štěpán Jurajda, economist and director of CERGE-EI, Bára Kiliesová, media and PR expert, Dušan Martínek, HR expert and head of human resources development department and project activities from the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions and Alexandra Jachanová Doleželová, director of Gender Studies, o.p.s.

Arguments of the jury

1st Place – Česká Spořitelna

Česká Spořitelna implemented a highly developed system of programs on equal opportunities, it offers an above standard number of benefits and it appointed a person dealing exclusively with the problematic of equal opportunities. The Jury appreciated the company’s effort to focus on programs for the 50+ generation and carers. Furthermore, the Jury regards highly the various promotional materials, especially the stickers marking a “no-discrimination zone” at the company’s workplaces, as they can motivate the bank’s clients and promote the issue of equal opportunities in general. However, the Jury also pointed out the low number of women in managerial positions and the low number of men working in branches, which does not correspond with the aim of equal opportunities programs.

2nd Place – dm-drogerie markt

The jury acknowledged the company’s focus on the issue of equal opportunities, its positive salary policy, the function of the company ombudsman, a transparent pay system, and the company’s progress in the field of equal opportunities. Moreover, the Jury appreciated the number of benefits offered by the company and the company’s parental network, as well as the way the firm addresses harassment, especially considering the sector (FMCG) in which it operates.

3rd Place – IBM

The jury positively evaluated the fact that despite the company’s predominantly male representation, the issue of gender equality found its place in the company’s policy. The Jury also finds the proportion of women in managerial and leading positions acceptable in terms of the company’s gender distribution. Lastly, the jury appreciated the fact that IBM underwent a gender audit and has been implementing the advice and recommendations obtained through it ever since.

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